hi i am in germany . it is funny . this is germany keybord different with our's.
my english is very bad so when i go to taiwan ,i will write in chinese.
today ,at the morning, it is snowing outside and i am so happy.
all day is sunny & snowing. it is different all day.
we say that we can say we come here at winter & summer.
this is not my computer ,it is hotel's computer.
i am so suprise. now i will go out to see the night in this town.
but it is snowing outside.
it is 21:18 . good luck to me. i am so happy that i can use computer.
my xd card(3G) is not enough, who can help me???
now is 2007.03.19 in the germany. i am coming to the hotel.
the people travel with me are all good.
gengen is unconfortable so i am go outside by myself.
someone so me outside alone and they say it is very danger .
so they want me to go with them.
i do it . i am so happy that it is snowing and i walk outside in the beautiful town.
it is a nice day, i will never forget today.
i feel that the snow day is my birthday like 12/25.
so the snow day is all my birthday.